The video was originally posted on Quora. Checkout My Quora Page where I answer more questions about freelancing and Upwork.
It really depends on how much effort you want to put into being a freelancer, what your skillset is and whether you have the ability to sell yourself.
You are competing with a lot of different people in the same space. You have to get ahead of everyone else who is applying for the same job.
If you have all three of these it will be easy for you to earn a living as a freelancer. The gig economy is here to stay and I think salary positions are going to go.
At some point, it’s going to be about building your personal brand. When people see you they’ll want to hire you for a short period of time – a month, two months, maybe a day.
It just depends on what you’re doing too, whether they’re big projects or small projects.
Hopefully this helped.
If you have any other questions you would like me to answer, please email me or comment below!