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Another year as a freelancer in the books.

Another year as a freelancer in the books.

Another year as a freelancer in the books. As we sign off on another year, I can’t help but feel how blessed we live in a time where this is even possible. Just think, at no point in the entire human existence has this kind of work even been possible. Just think 10...
On being a digital nomad

On being a digital nomad

I remember not too long ago the idea of working from home or abroad was a fantasy. Just 10-15 years ago, the only way it seemed to be a possibility is if you were stuffing envelopes or doing something shady. The only other way it could happen is if you were to start...
Under the Tuscan Sun

Under the Tuscan Sun

Hey guys, Check out my latest video.  It’s a little raw and unedited, but I wanted to show you my favorite software that I use right away with new clients that blows them away, EVERY TIME. Using this, I’ve been able to successfully turn small hourly...